Life at its Bare Best: Ingress by Lavanya Shanivarsanthe, a review

2 min readApr 18, 2024


Dive into the world of “Ingress” by Lavanya Shanivarsanthe, where each story is not just a mere tale but an entryway into the depths of human experience. These narratives aren’t just passing visitors in your mind; they carve out a permanent residence, leaving an indelible mark on your psyche.

In this collection, Shanivarsanthe skillfully weaves together 15 short stories that dissect the intricate dynamics of human relationships and societal norms. From tales of perseverance and love to the stark realities of depression and societal prejudices, each story is a mirror reflecting the complexities of our existence.

But what sets “Ingress” apart is not just its content but its presentation. The cover, with its minimalistic yet profound design, beckons you to delve into its pages, promising a journey of self-discovery and enlightenment.

Some stories are interconnected, while others stand alone, yet each possesses a subtle power that compels you to ponder deeper truths. Whether it’s the gut-wrenching narrative of “The Man with the Blue Wagon-R” or the stark revelation in “The Beautiful Locked Bride,” every tale leaves an indelible impression long after you’ve turned the last page.

And let’s not forget Shanivarsanthe’s language, which is as potent and captivating as the stories themselves. Through her words, ordinary tales transform into extraordinary reflections of life’s profound mysteries, inviting you to contemplate the hidden depths of existence.

So, if you’re seeking a literary journey that transcends the ordinary, “Ingress” is a must-read. It’s not just a book; it’s a portal to a world where every story is a revelation, every word a revelation. Dive in today and discover the myriad paradigms of life that await within its pages.




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